Saturday, December 7, 2013

Trials and Tribulations

Hey, my Krimsonites. Some of you may have wondered what had happened to me for the past four months. I was going pretty strong with posting videos on my channel (Krimson Kreations), and I was writing regular blogs here. Then, without warning, I just disappeared. It’s like I had disappeared off the face of the planet. Some of you might have even thought something like this happened:

A meeting with the NSA.

Well, for those who actually wondered, I wasn’t kidnapped by the NSA. I am alive and well. Unfortunately, with everything that was going on at the time, I had to take a step back from things to get my head back on straight. I took blow after blow, and it became overwhelming. It was too much for me to handle all at once.

It all started when my then roommate, Autobotjohn, lost his job. His stupidity on Facebook (making threatening comments towards his boss and his job) cost him his management position at a local pizza delco. This dealt a heavy blow to an already bad situation financially. It caused me to get even further behind in bills than I already was because I had to cover his share of the bills.

This was further complicated by the credit card companies that have been constantly hounding me for money that I couldn’t pay. This finally culminated into two of the credit card companies filing a civil suit on me to collect what I owed them. I was lost and didn’t know what to do. I have never been this deep in financial trouble before.

Trying to remedy the situation, I reapplied for food stamps and tried to sign up for all kinds of programs for assistance with bills like rent and utilities. Unfortunately, because of how crappy of a state I live in, I was denied all help except for food stamps (which I still didn’t get the full amount). This started sending me over the edge. I still can’t believe the red tape you have to go through just to get help in North Carolina. A little off subject, but I’d like to give you some advice. If you ever considered moving here, don’t. Trust me. It’s a crappy state that I can’t wait to move as far away from as possible.

I tried looking for another job and asked for more hours at the current jobs I work at, but I still wasn’t making any leave way. I was frustrated and started to lose faith. Then, Autobotjohn decided to bail on me. He went down to Laurinburg, North Carolina to visit his parents. That was at least what he told me. He made a lot of effort to assure me that he wasn’t bailing. He said he wouldn’t bail on me. Well, that was a lie.

I don’t think I would have been as mad about it if he would have been honest with me and told me that he was going there to stay. Instead of being a man about it, he took the coward’s way out, and then, he expected me to forgive and forget. I can’t do that. To me, that is a stab in the back, and I don’t forgive those kind of actions anymore especially with the ways have been going. So, to me, I’ve lost yet another friend.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t wish any ill will on him. I truly hope he finds what he is looking for in Laurinburg. Like I’ve said before, though, I need to cut negativity out of my life, and he became a huge ball of it to me. So, I’m actually happier now that he is gone. He was just another anchor holding me down in life.

I wish that I could say things got better from here, but they didn’t. I got hit by even more. I found out that the chemo doctor who is treating my girlfriend, Gail, stated that he had exhausted every means at his disposal to treat her cancer. As a result, if the chemo she’s currently on didn’t work, he would take her off of chemo which would pretty much hand her a death sentence. I’ve been taking this pretty hard because she is all I really have in this world, and I don’t want to lose her. What scared me the most is how much she was ready to accept that. I personally don’t believe her doctor had tried every treatment possible, and I believe the only reason he is giving up is because of Gail’s financial situation. As we all know, everything is about the almighty dollar, which includes the medical field. I’ve been trying to convince her to take alternative treatment methods, but she has it in her head that it might be her time to go. I just can’t accept that, so even now, I still research new cancer treatments for her. I hope she will at least try one of my suggestions because I believe the cure for cancer is already out there. It’s just that pharmaceutical companies don’t want to back it because it is a natural remedy which they can’t patent which means there’s no real money in it. Once again, it’s all about the almighty dollar.

With everything hitting me, I even had to take a step back from school. I was unable to complete the class I was in which was Introduction to Business. I was getting too far behind with everything else on my mind. Luckily, they were very understanding and let me take the break. Now, I’ve finished that class, and I’m about to finish another class, Foundations of Information Technology. Hopefully, I can continue this progress as I’m still going through troubling times.

The break had did me some good, though. My head feels a lot clearer now. I am able to refocus on my goals. I also was able to get more hours at both of my jobs. It’s not enough to fully get by, but it’s a start. My other roommate has even got a job and starting to contribute to the household. Things were looking good until I had one more obstacle to overcome. I was struck by a SUV on the way to work on November 15 injuring both of my legs and damaged my bike. I’m fine, but my legs are still healing, especially my left ankle and right knee.

After all of this, I’m back and hopefully going stronger than ever towards my goals in life, but I have to apologize to my loyal followers. I didn’t mean to disappear like that without any notice. I will do everything in my power to make sure nothing like that happens ever again.. I made a promise to everyone that I would keep going no matter what, and I intend on living up to that promise. I hope y’all can forgive my absence and continue to be my loyal Krimsonites.

I’ve rededicated myself to this project called Krimson’s Korner and my company, Krimson Kreations, and you will see that in the upcoming weeks with more video posts as well as blog posts. Already, I have posted three new videos which are The Day of the Doctor Preview, Don't Blink!, and Time to Make the Dough.  Please go and enjoy those videos, and let me know what you think of them. You will also see in the next couple of days two more posts for this blog, so keep your eye out for them.

I’m also continuing to work on my novel, The God Complex, and I hope to be finished with Chapter 3 any day now. It’s all a matter of getting the time between homework and all the hours at my two jobs. I’ll continue to post my updates on my William J. Krimson Facebook page, so come check it out some time as well as check out the Krimson's Korner Store Facebook page.

Well, I’m about to call it a night (or a morning depending on how you look at it). I want to thank those who have stuck with me and remained loyal through these troubling times. I will do everything in my power to not let you down. It’s my Krimsonites that keep me going despite the adversity, so continue to show your support. I do appreciate it. It means the world to me. This is Krimson signing out.

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